About Us
Wolfe Guitars is a true Mom & Pop Grassroots Guitar Shop plus the coolest & largest volume Guitar Shop in the Palm Beaches featuring new & used instruments. With 50+ years experience and an excellent reputation, Wolfe is known worldwide for fair & honest dealing. We stock Guitars from some of the finest makers, including Heritage Guitars (World’s Largest Dealer for 30 years) Paul Reed Smith, G&L , Breedlove & Bedell USA Guitars, Composite Acoustics, Journey Travel Guitars & basses, Rittenhouse Guitars & Basses , Deering Banjos, an assortment of Mandolins, Ukuleles and others. We also have many fine amps & accessories. We offer expert repairs and have the only PLEK Machine equipped shop in Florida.

Wolfe Guitars
2875 Jupiter Park Drive #400
Jupiter, FL 33458